Case Study

Customer in Focus: enercity AG

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Using Energy One’s solutions we really reduced the amount of work for our operational and trading departments, allowing them to refocus on other topics.

Alexander Haaf – Business Analyst

The Company

enercity is a large municipal energy solution provider in German, based in Hanover. To actively shape the energy transition, enercity is increasingly focusing on new business areas such as electromobility, energy efficiency, and smart infrastructure.

The Project

During 2019 enercity decided to have a general overhaul of their IT landscape and overall IT systems used in their energy trading department. Therefore they looked at replacing their ETRM and Nomination and Balancing solutions in one big move.

The Impact

The impact was quite big and astonishingly we managed to realize the impact we tried to achieve, which is not always a given with such big IT projects. Energy One helped us to realize the targets why we have chosen their software.

Alexander Haaf – Business Analyst

Discover enercity’s experience with Energy One in the video below:


Energy One helps the operations and trading team work more efficiently due to the better user interface, the better way our software handles their needs and the service level provided.

Energy One Solutions

Explore our solutions

  • eZ-Ops

    eZ-Ops handles nominations, balancing and algotrading for European energy trading and operations.

  • Global 24/7 Outsourced Operations Services

    Energy One’s outsourced operations services 'follow the sun' to provide 24/7 coverage of energy portfolios across the globe.

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