Energy One creates innovative solutions that handle market communication and daily logistics for different types of assets.
The common denominator of our custom solutions is that these manage the market communication and nomination/balancing of an asset for a client. The asset doesn’t really matter for us; it could be a power plant, a gas storage site, an offshore gas grid or a battery energy storage system (BESS). You can find a few examples of custom solutions developed by Energy One below.
Power Plant Management Solution
Our inaugural custom solution was built by the team at Energy One Belgium for a large industrial client who needed a new solution to manage the commercial operations and logistics at a gas-fired power plant. You can learn more about the functionality and features of this solution on the following page:
The project itself is also described in detail in our blog. It’s definitely worth a read, did you know that our custom projects team managed to get this ambitious project over the line in less than eight months?!

Storage Management Application (SMA) for an SSO
A customer had acquired participation in two underground natural gas storage sites. They needed a reliable and future-proof solution to handle the daily management of the gas storage sites, including market communication, nomination, matching and balancing.
Our ‘custom solutions team’ built the application for the Storage System Operator (SSO) in half a year. You can read more about this project in the SMA project blog soon :
European Offshore Gas System for a TSO
After a client contacted us our European team developed a custom solution to manage gas logistics for the Danish offshore gas grid. The solution went live in 2023 and handles 24/7 commercial gas transport business, including generic business rules for the European gas market (nomination, allocation, matching) and communication with the shippers and counterparties and in the end generates invoices to the shippers.

Related Solutions
Power Plant Management System
Energy One has built a custom solution to manage the daily market communication, intraday & day-ahead trading and nominations for a power plant in Europe.
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egssPort Gas
egssPort Gas is a dedicated SaaS solution for gas shippers, able to handle complex natural gas and LNG operations across the UK and Europe.
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eZ-Ops handles nominations, balancing and algotrading for European energy trading and operations.
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Global 24/7 Outsourced Operations Services
Energy One’s outsourced operations services 'follow the sun' to provide 24/7 coverage of energy portfolios across the globe.
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