Looking to enter energy markets?

Roles in energy markets

There are many types of market participants in each market area, some of these market participants may hold a specific role while others may have multiple roles. Here are some of the types of market participants we serve with our services and software:

  • Power generators and Natural Gas producers
  • Shippers physically transporting power and/or gas within or between grids
  • Energy traders doing financial or physical trading of gas, power, and other commodities
  • Balance Responsible Parties or equivalent
  • Gas and Power Suppliers who supply gas and/or power to a mix of residential and commercial/industrial customers
  • Pipeline and Storage operators
  • Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
  • Distribution Grid Operators (DGOs) or equivalent
  • Market Area Operators
  • Exchanges and their operators

Entering the market

To operate on any energy market, you need to get the necessary licenses and go through a process to become a shipper, trader, balance responsible party, supplier or generator. We suggest every company looking to enter a specific market consult the websites and documentation of these market area operators and the TSOs. We have provided below a list of useful links, where you should find most of the information.

Energy One provides solutions for companies already active or looking to enter in power markets such as:

TSOs and Pipeline Operators


Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO): AEMO | Australian Energy Market Operator


Due to the many market participants in Europe, we refer to the members’ overviews of the associations for gas and power TSOs.

For Power please consult ENTSO-E: ENTSO-E Members

For Gas please consult ENTSOG: ENTSOG Members

United Kingdom

Trading Platforms and Exchanges

  • PRISMA (Gas capacity booking platform in Europe)
  • PEGAS (Gas trading platform of EEX Group operated by Powernext)
  • FEX Global (Australian gas and power exchange)
  • EEX (European Energy Exchange)
  • ICE Endex (Energy exchange in continental Europe)
  • Nord Pool (Energy exchange across 15 Power markets in Europe)
  • EPEX Spot (Energy exchange across 14 Power markets in Europe – owned by EEX)
  • HUPX (Hungarian Power exchange)
  • EXAA (Power exchange for Austria & Germany)
  • CROPEX (Croatian power exchange)
  • SEMOpx (Power exchange for Ireland and Northern-Ireland)
  • IBEX (Bulgarian energy exchange)
  • OPCOM (Romanian energy exchange)
  • SEEPEX (Serbian power exchange)
  • SouthPool (Slovenian power exchange)
  • TGE (Polish power exchange)

Trade associations

  • EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders)

Cooperation associations of TSOs

  • ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas)
  • ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity)

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