Global 24/7 Outsourced Operations Services

Asia-Pacific, UK & Europe
Contract & Portfolio Management, Global 24/7 Operations - Nomination, bidding, trading, Physical & Financial Trading

Energy One’s outsourced operations services provide a 24/7 ‘follow-the-sun’ approach, where experienced and dedicated teams work together and act on behalf of customers across the world in scheduling and nominations for day–ahead and intra-day markets. 

Our team of industry experts specialise in each of the relevant technical areas and our network of local offices means that we can provide local support to customers.

The Energy One Group is the largest supplier of outsourced 24/7 operational energy services in Australia and the second largest in Europe.

Combining software with a premium service offering gives Energy One an enviable position in facilitating the entry of distributed renewable energy into national markets around the globe.

Continuous coverage

Following the sun to provide 24/7 operational coverage of energy portfolios across the globe means there can always be an operator balancing your gas and power portfolio working in ‘daily hours’, even if it is night-time where you are based.

Available when you need us

Outsource your operations with complete confidence. Benefit from deep market knowledge and seamless operational processes around the clock. Out-of-hours services, 24/7 or tailor-made operational periods offer flexibility and peace of mind.

Experts with experience

Our global operations teams act as neutral and independent service providers. Our experienced teams handle on-behalf operations so that customers can focus on strategy.

We act on your behalf

Our teams work together and act on behalf of customers to execute their gas and power operations. Services include balancing power and gas portfolios, nominating positions, managing generation assets scheduling, handling unexpected outages and more. This includes services for renewable and distributed energy resources.

Compliance is key

We value compliance, privacy and confidentiality. The strategy is yours and we act on your behalf (Energy One does not make trading decisions).

Global, yet local

Energy One’s global operations teams provide 24/7 market operations. With global reach and local experts, our offices around the world handle the scheduling, nomination and balancing of your energy portfolio for intra-day and same-day markets. Our experienced teams are agnostic and independent service providers.

Highly Available SaaS Managed Services

What our customers say

The 24/7 dispatching team at Energy One is a core part of our team. You could say they really help to keep the machine running. They help us make sure we know exactly how much gas is coming into our portfolio and going out on a daily basis. They have a customer-focused approach and their team is always on hand to help us out with any questions.


The service [from Energy One] is incredible. Whenever we have an issue, we just call them, they react right away and keep us informed. So that’s a very good way for our dispatchers to have peace of mind, knowing that an issue is being handled in the correct way.


Energy One is a lean company, young and very agile. They work very pragmatically with us, and together we find solutions in no time. Setting-up and deploying new market areas and shipping routes also goes very smoothly.

Wintershall DEA

When we are in touch with the operations desk at Energy One we always get direct feedback and they really know what they are talking about.

Essent (E.ON)

Why do clients work with our teams?

  • Proactive teams with a hands-on approach
  • Full disaster recovery and redundancy with control rooms in Aalst (Belgium), Paris (France) and Adelaide (Australia)
  • Great flexibility: you can scale-up or down from Out-Of-Hours to full 24/7 dispatching services based on changing needs

  • eZ-Ops

    eZ-Ops handles nominations, balancing and algotrading for European energy trading and operations.

  • enVoy

    enVoy is an accredited ECVN, EDT and EDL communication tool for the UK power market.

  • EnergyOffer

    EnergyOffer is a bidding, offering, dispatch and logistics solution for all Australian energy markets.

  • egssPort

    egssPort Gas and egssPort Power handle balancing and nominations for European and UK markets.

  • Power Plant Management System

    Energy One has built a custom solution to manage the daily market communication, intraday & day-ahead trading and nominations for a power plant in Europe.

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