Energy One offers user-friendly automated power and gas scheduling, nomination and bidding solutions.
Our solutions handle gas and power logistics and are built with local expertise to cover the needs of European and Australian energy markets.
Your reliable partner
Every change in message type, communication channel and security is handled by our business analysts and IT team, so you can always keep gas and electricity flowing in the grids that matter to you.
Our business analysts track, maintain and implement all updates that TSOs and Operators roll-out in their respective market areas. This way, your team can focus on the operational aspects to keep your gas and power portfolios balanced.

Solve your market communication worries
We support and maintain communication lines with practically every TSO, SSO, Hub, Exchange and Market Operator in Europe. We have flexible set-up and routing of messages, supporting:
- Security standards: AS2/AS4, ECP, SMTP, secured FTP
- Communication channels from encrypted email to web-applications

Automated operations
Our nomination and scheduling software will automatically nominate your positions on hubs, TSOs, cross-borders and (gas) storages based on your deals, energy forecasts and scheduled energy flows.
Nominations are made respecting operator-imposed deadlines and technical specifications.
Key features

- Powerful automation makes life easier for operations staff, allowing them to focus on what matters
- User-friendliness is at the heart of each of our power and gas scheduling, nomination and bidding solutions
- REST APIs are in place for communication and full automation between your IT solutions and ours
- We implement the highest IT security standards and are working towards ISO27001 and ISAE3000/SOC2 for all of our solutions
Related Solutions
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enVoy is an accredited ECVN, EDT and EDL communication tool for the UK power market.
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egssPort Gas
egssPort Gas is a dedicated SaaS solution for gas shippers, able to handle complex natural gas and LNG operations across the UK and Europe.
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Power Plant Management System
Energy One has built a custom solution to manage the daily market communication, intraday & day-ahead trading and nominations for a power plant in Europe.
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Global 24/7 Outsourced Operations Services
Energy One’s outsourced operations services 'follow the sun' to provide 24/7 coverage of energy portfolios across the globe.
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