Operations and Advisory

We help our customers with operational trading and dispatching services, and support our customers with insights and research.

Global energy markets are transforming – we help you to keep up in a changing world. With Energy One, energy market participants can fully focus on their strategy, while we handle operations on their behalf. In addition, our energy market consultants can assist companies with relevant insights and research.

Global 24/7 Outsourced Trading Operations

With control rooms in France, Belgium and Australia, Energy One is the only software vendor able to provide 24/7 outsourced operational trading services around the clock with 30+ energy market operators and traders on-call.

Leverage a global 24/7 services desk with a follow-the-sun approach, offering full coverage of daytime staff operating night shifts for energy portfolios across the globe.

Working on your behalf

Benefit from our experienced market operators, traders and energy market consultants, who work closely with their counterparts at our clients’ side, to make sure the gas and power keep flowing and your portfolio stays balanced.

Customers trust our teams, because we work with rigorous processes, checks and balances that are in place. Clients can count on us to give them peace of mind, since our teams adhere to the following core values:

  • Work smarter through automation and procedures
  • Sense of service to do a great job for every client
  • Compliance, privacy and confidentiality are paramount

Tailored Advisory Services

Over the course of the last 25 years, our teams have gathered a great deal of knowledge about the intricacies of energy markets in Europe and Asia. Having helped over 400 energy companies across these regions, we share this wealth of knowledge and insights with others. You can talk to our consulting team about:

  • Energy market access
  • Energy procurement
  • Strategic advice
  • Analysis and modeling
  • Registration of generation facilities
  • And much more…

Energy One can help you with:

Asset Dispatching – Portfolio Balancing – Nominations and Matching – Asset Scheduling – First Point Of Contact Support …and more.

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