In the last few years, the rise of traded volumes on intraday power markets has meant that software providers have focused strongly on automated and algotrading solutions for continuous intraday markets. As such, many vendors now propose solutions to automate and optimise intraday trading, including us via our eZ-Ops algotrading module.
But if continuous markets are key to closing, adjusting and optimising your positions, auction markets remain a key element in daily portfolio management. And so far, this field has not been addressed effectively by software vendors.
If it is true that auctions occur only once or twice a day, energy market participants still have to participate every day, repeating the same operational tasks to prepare bids, post bids and integrate market results. Most of the time, those tasks remain manual or poorly automated.
With so few software vendors addressing the need for automation in this area, we are excited to be able to offer our customers our automated bidding module as part of our intuitive and easy to use eZ-Ops web interface, which offers a high level of automation for daily trading operations.
Our fully automated auction bidding module offers the following functionalities:
- Multi NEMO/Exchange: EPEXSpot, NordPool and Cropex
- Available for both day-ahead and intraday auctions
- Full automation for linear and block orders bidding (standard and complex orders)
- Build your own orders or use templates that will be automatically populated with position/time series
- Easily aggregate and net internal portfolios to save fees
- Schedule automated bidding at pre-defined hours up to several days in advance
- Market results are automatically integrated at exchange portfolio level and also internal portfolio level
- Market results are automatically integrated in the position module and made available for the nomination module
- Functionalities available via GUI and REST API
Our eZ-Ops solution offers a very intuitive and easy to use web interface and a high level of automation for traders’ daily operations.
If you’d like to see the module in action or would like to know more about our automated bidding module, contact us for a demonstration.