
Commercial Operations

pypIT is Australia’s leading gas pipeline contract management and scheduling platform.  40% of Australia’s gas that is bulk transported on pipelines is managed using pypIT.

pypIT has evolved with Australian gas markets.

It is a comprehensive platform that is easy to implement and offers low cost of ownership for any operator of gas supply or transportation facilities. The platform is configurable for multiple markets and provides many features.

Pipeline Contract Management 

Enters contract details – including contractual limits – on a date-basis.


Nominations are submitted directly or via FTP and validated against contractual and physical limits.

Gas Scheduling

pypIT aggregates pipeline nominations based on physical pipeline capacities and limits.

Regulatory Data Reporting

It automates the retrieval and submission of data to regulatory authorities including STTM, DWGM, AEMO Capacity Trading/Day Ahead Auction, AEMO Bulletin Board, IMO Bulletin Board, REMCo.

Wind and solar solutions from Energy One


  • Invoices issued at different frequencies: 10-Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual
  • Advance and arrears invoicing
  • Adjustment Note support
  • Pipeline locking
  • Invoice approval workflow for accepting, approving and issuing of invoices
  • Automatic CPI indexation of tariffs, supporting multiple CPI styles
  • Interfaces to external finance systems

Discover the benefits of pypIT

  • Configure pipelines and meters to reflect the physical pipeline infrastructure
  • Acquire meter data from SCADA or other external sources
  • Allocate metered quantities to shipper contracts based on configurable rules on an hourly/daily basis
  • Maintain pipeline imbalances
  • Issue reports in a variety of formats, either individually or as a task, to configurable email distribution lists
  • Manage scheduled task execution
  • Configure system alerts including escalation, email and SMS notification

Related solutions

  • NemSight

    NemSight is a real-time presentation and historical analysis tool for the Australian electricity, gas and renewables markets.

  • enFlow

    enFlow is a tool for automating and managing business processes and for integrating systems.

  • Managed Services

    With all products available in the cloud as Software as a Service (SaaS), Energy One can provide full management of your system needs.

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