Media Hub

Australia Events

Meet Energy One at the Australian Clean Energy Summit 2024

Energy One will be exhibiting for the very first time at the Australian Clean Energy Summit 16-17 July 2024.

July 10th 2024
Eunice Pan

  • Company News Europe

    Energy One’s European operations growing on the back of SaaS and Managed Services

    June 29th 2023
    Nikki Harris

  • Australia Events

    Meet Energy One at Australia Wind Energy

    June 22nd 2023
    Eunice Pan

  • SimEnergy - energy trading and risk management

    Knowledge Software

    The future is bright for Energy Trading Risk Management (ETRM) software: A look at forecast growth

    June 20th 2023
    Mitch Exon

  • Europe Events

    Flying the flag for software and services: Energy One celebrates E-world success

    June 20th 2023
    Simon Wheeler

  • automated battery management software

    Insights Knowledge

    The Advantages of Algorithmic Energy Trading for Improved Efficiency and Profitability

    May 26th 2023
    Dries Lamont

  • Australia Events

    Meet Energy One at Australian Energy Week

    May 26th 2023
    Dan Ayers

  • Global Solutions

    Energy One: The new power in the renewable energy transition

    May 19th 2023
    Shaun Ankers

  • Company News Europe

    Energy One appoints experienced market leader as General Manager for mainland Europe 

    April 21st 2023
    Simon Wheeler

  • Australia Events

    Energy One customers invited to User Forum Day

    March 30th 2023
    Rob Meyers

  • Australia Company News

    Shell to use Energy One for automated battery energy trading

    March 27th 2023
    Shaun Ankers

  • Energy One Customer Day

    Europe Events

    Energy One Europe hosts inaugural Customer Day

    March 21st 2023
    Nikki Harris

  • Blog Europe

    Energy One preparing for customer summit

    February 23rd 2023
    Simon Wheeler

  • Company News

    Energy One launches new global website

    February 10th 2023
    Nikki Harris

  • Europe Events

    Visit Energy One at E-world: 23-25 May 2023

    February 3rd 2023
    Nikki Harris

  • Australia Events

    Meet Energy One at The Australian Energy & Battery Storage Conference

    January 19th 2023
    Dan Ayers

  • global 24/7 operations

    Company News Services

    Energy One launches Global 24/7 Operations Solution

    January 13th 2023
    Simon Wheeler

  • Blog Insights

    Electricity does not flow through wires!

    January 10th 2023
    Jarrod Hollingworth

  • Blog Europe

    Energy One Europe experiences strong demand

    January 2nd 2023
    Simon Wheeler

  • Energy One UK delivers festive treats for children

    Company News Team UK

    Energy One UK delivers festive treats for children at Solihull Hospital

    December 15th 2022
    Nikki Harris

  • risk transfer solutions - plant outage insurance

    Insights Solutions

    Following the sun to enable the renewable energy revolution

    November 28th 2022
    Shaun Ankers

  • Australia Blog

    Energy One’s enFlow deployed for battery optimisation in Australia

    November 16th 2022
    Nikki Harris

  • Events Insights

    Reduce your risk of weather events and generator outages – “Don’t be left short”

    October 13th 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Blog Europe

    Energy One Europe adds more than 25 new logos YTD

    October 11th 2022
    Simon Wheeler

  • Europe Events

    Meet Energy One at Energy Trading Week

    September 14th 2022
    Nikki Harris

  • Blog Europe

    Energy One Europe continues its momentum

    August 31st 2022
    Simon Wheeler

  • Europe Events

    A short recap of E-world 2022

    August 17th 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Team UK

    5 Minutes With…Sunny Tiwana, CEO of Energy One UK

    June 15th 2022
    Nikki Harris

  • Europe Solutions

    Energy One announces new release of its eZ-Ops nomination and algotrading solution

    June 8th 2022
    Thomas Van Buggenhout

  • Company News Europe

    Energy One – Better Together: eZ-nergy and EGSSIS join forces

    May 25th 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Company News Europe

    A new European brand: Contigo Software Limited, eZ-nergy and EGSSIS to become Energy One

    May 16th 2022
    Simon Wheeler

  • Europe Events

    Meet the Energy One Group at E-world 2022

    May 2nd 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Belgium Europe Team

    5 Minutes with… Thomas Van Buggenhout  – Product Owner at Energy One

    April 6th 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Belgium Services Team

    5 Minutes With… Oleg Bourov – Senior Operations Officer – Energy One Europe

    March 1st 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Australia Company News

    Energy One to acquire CQ Energy (Australia)

    January 31st 2022
    Simon Wheeler

  • Insights Solutions

    The added value of a reliable service provider

    January 26th 2022
    Dries Lamont

  • Blog UK

    Energy One UK delivers festive treats to hospital children

    December 13th 2021
    Nikki Harris

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